
Jorel Hoffert was born into the arts. His father, an Editor and Director, and his mother, an Opera singer. 

At one point, he nearly pleased them by showing an interest in math and science in high school, but after releasing a rap album, going to school for Music, then Acting, and now Writing, Directing, and Producing a short film, the hopes of him having a normal steady job got unbelievably dashed.

At the ripe age of 24 years old, Jorel has sealed his fate to become a… -GASP- Creative!

Director’s Statement

This film is about the uncertainty and unclarity around representation in film. Who can play who? Who can write what?

I wanted to write a film about Women, exclusively featuring women. But I'm a man. I could shy away from the question of if I can or should do it... Or, I could throw that question right back at the audience!

I chose the latter.